Rebuttal to NJVMA’s Declawing Testimony-City the Kitty Official Post

Here is the audio testimony by the NJVMA’s spokesvet to the New Jersey Assembly Committee on Nov, 14, 2016. Yurkus Testimony Rebuttal-See Link Below Dr. Mike Yurkus testified before a committee of the New Jersey Assembly committee hearing on November 14, 2016. In that testimony, Dr. Yurkus made multiple provably false statement. This paper rebuts…… Continue reading Rebuttal to NJVMA’s Declawing Testimony-City the Kitty Official Post

Dr. Nicole Martell-Moran of Paw Project Indiana Removes Sharp Bone Fragments From Declawed Steve Cat

This is Steve from the Johnson County (Indiana) Animal Shelter. He was taken to see Dr. Nicole Martell-Moran (Paw Project IN State Director) at the Cat Care Clinic of Indianapolis for a paw evaluation. He was relinquished to the the shelter for not using the litter box. The staff also noticed him holding up one…… Continue reading Dr. Nicole Martell-Moran of Paw Project Indiana Removes Sharp Bone Fragments From Declawed Steve Cat

Is Middletown Animal Hospital In New Jersey (Dr. Michael Yurkus-Against The No-Declaw Bill) Buying Their Customer Reviews? You Decide

Is it a coincidence that all these businesses that Tiffany C, Kevin S, Scott H, and Tamara B visited and REVIEWED are the same people that reviewed Middletown Animal Hospital? These businesses are in different states, yet, they are reviewed by the same people. All these businesses utilize DemandForce for their marketing. These four reviewers…… Continue reading Is Middletown Animal Hospital In New Jersey (Dr. Michael Yurkus-Against The No-Declaw Bill) Buying Their Customer Reviews? You Decide

Declawed Cats Do Not Stay In The Home-Facts & Figures

Declawed cats do not stay in the home, because they develop complications that are costly and unwanted such as litter box aversion, re-surgery, biting, and life-long medications. Fact: A calculation based on the aforementioned studies suggests that as many as 2.1 to 3 million cats in the U.S. develop litter box aversion after declawing, and…… Continue reading Declawed Cats Do Not Stay In The Home-Facts & Figures

Declawed Adult Cat Found-Malnourished-Weighing 4-5 Pounds

Declawing: A Rational Look Vet Organization’s Declaw Policy Gets Updated Studies Pertaining to Declawing (Annotated) Relief for Declawed Cats Rare Cats, Common Cats, and Declawing Physical Consequences of Declawing May 17, 2013 By Jean Hofve, DVM There are few feline issues as controversial as declawing. There is a great deal of myth and misinformation out…… Continue reading Declawed Adult Cat Found-Malnourished-Weighing 4-5 Pounds